Omar Khawaja


Omar Khawaja is a co-founder of Khawaja Partners, a strategic problem-solver, and a fervent advocate for harnessing the power of technology to tackle business challenges.

As an accomplished software and cloud infrastructure engineer, Omar has helped numerous businesses deliver on their missions and realize their full potential. From migrating applications to major cloud providers to securing software deployment patterns, Omar has helped the businesses he works with to stay nimble and responsive to their customers' needs. With over a decade of industry experience under his belt, he has cemented his role as a leader in deploying reliable software and infrastructure to serve any business challenge while protecting critical data productivity and performance.

An Emory alumnus, Omar graduated in 2011, a period marked by significant technological advancements and disruptions. This experience equipped him with a deep understanding of the tech industry's dynamic nature, shaping his approach to solving business problems through technology. After years of building expertise across different cloud technologies and software, Omar transitioned into his current role, where he focuses on creating impactful tech solutions and guiding businesses towards the most effective, rather than the most convenient, tech strategies.

Omar collaborates closely with Zahid Khawaja, the leading AI engineer at Khawaja Partners to create value-driven solutions that blend the best of automation, data infrastructure, and machine learning.

Omar's commitment to the tech community echoes in his professional endeavors and beyond. He attends various tech forums and events across the United States, sharing his insights and experiences to foster a better understanding of how technology can be leveraged in the business world.

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Other team members

Waqar Khawaja


+1 404-666-0380

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Omar Khawaja


+1 404-666-0087

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Zahid Khawaja


+1 404-666-0311

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Krista Forbes

Managing Director

+1 404-666-0365

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Avani Uppalapati

Big Law Consultant

+1 202-888-4065

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Ashley Bynoe

Big Law Consultant

+1 404-666-0335

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Insiya Ujjainwala

Legal & Tech Consultant

+1 404-666-0166

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Waqar Khawaja

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Zahid Khawaja


+1 404-666-0311
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Krista Forbes

Managing Director

+1 404-666-0365
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Avani Uppalapati

Big Law Consultant

+1 202-888-4065
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Ashley Bynoe

Big Law Consultant

+1 404-666-0335
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Insiya Ujjainwala

Legal & Tech Consultant

+1 404-666-0166
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Waqar Khawaja

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Omar Khawaja


+1 404-666-0087
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Zahid Khawaja


+1 404-666-0311
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Krista Forbes

Managing Director

+1 404-666-0365
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Avani Uppalapati

Big Law Consultant

+1 202-888-4065
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Ashley Bynoe

Big Law Consultant

+1 404-666-0335
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Insiya Ujjainwala

Legal & Tech Consultant

+1 404-666-0166
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